Empowering individual’s and communities to reach their full potential.
Choc Chip Digital is excited to showcase our latest completed project, www.diversitat.org.au.
Diversitat, also known as the Geelong Ethnic Communities Council, commenced operations in Geelong in 1976.
With a proud history in providing migrant services, their mission is to provide an innovative and high quality response to the changing needs of a culturally diverse community.
From humble beginnings as one office, Diversitat now operates from ten locations in the Barwon Region and offers a range of settlement services for new migrants, community programs, aged support services for older people from CALD backgrounds, services for young people, training and education, arts and events including Pako Festa, and a number of enterprises which you can visit and support.
It is an honor to have worked with such a fantastic organisation who give so much to our city, be sure to check them out!